2016 Travis County Medical Alliance Gala

CPA is proud to be partnering with the Travis County Medical Alliance to sponsor the 2016 TCMA Gala. With proceeds from this benefit TCMA will be able to continue to provide grants to dozens of local not-for-profit health initiatives like Austin Speech Labs- providing speech & cognitive therapy for stroke survivors, Volunteer Healthcare Clinic– providing free, high-quality healthcare to the working poor and uninsured, Family Eldercare– supporting health and dignity of seniors, adults with disabilities and their caregivers, Casa Marianella – meeting the medical needs of homeless immigrants escaping violence, Safeplace – serving survivors of child abuse & neglect, sexual assault & exploitation, & domestic violence and, St. Louise House– providing housing and life resources to homeless mothers and children.

Many of these important programs would not be possible without the funds generated by the annual TCMA Charity Gala. For more information please visit the TCMA Events page.


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