Medical Laboratory Professionals Week Spotlight: Adrian Winters, CPA Pathologists’ Assistant Since 2019

Adrian Winters always knew he would pursue a career in pathology. Starting in 1977 as a medical laboratory technician in the U.S. Army at Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri, Adrian went on to earn his master’s degree in immunology from the University of Arizona and become a certified medical technologist and a certified pathologists’ assistant.

With more than 45 years of experience and a passion for serving others, Adrian embodies CPA’s mission to enhance patient care through excellent service.

“We don’t have direct patient contact, of course, but through our lab work we care for patients every day. It’s an immense responsibility, and one we take very seriously,” Adrian said.

At CPA, pathologists’ assistants like Adrian are part of an interconnected network where collaboration with experts from a wide range of specialties gives lab professionals the resources they need to analyze samples with which they may lack familiarity. This level of collaboration is instrumental in achieving accurate diagnoses for patients.

Adrian joined CPA in 2019 as a pathologists’ assistant, which covers preparing surgical specimens for histologic processing and pathologist examination and preparing specimens for special procedures like immunofluorescence studies.

“Pathologists’ assistants are an integral part of the team here at CPA. We contribute our expertise and confer with the physicians and surgeons to make sure they get an accurate diagnosis that leads to the right treatment for patients,” Adrian said.

This Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, CPA is proud to celebrate the vital work our lab professionals like Adrian perform every day to deliver excellent patient care.

Learn more about CPA’s work here.

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