
President of Oculus Pathology

(Oct. 2014 – Present)

Member of the Executive Committee

 Joined Oculus Pathology:  2005

Primary Service Location:

St. David’s North Austin Medical Center

Medical Directorships:

  • Oculus Pathology – Director of Hematopathology Services

Board Certifications:

  • Anatomic and Clinical Pathology (2000)
  • Hematopathology (2001)


  • Hematopathology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital


  • The Johns Hopkins Hospital (AP/CP)

Medical School:

  • University of Pittsburgh

Undergraduate Education:

  • Boston University

Selected Publications:

  • Levin LI, Chang ET, Ambinder RF, Lennette ET, Rubertone MV, Mann RB, Borowitz M, Weir E, Abbondanzo S and Mueller NE.  Atypical prediagnosis Epstein-Barr virus serology restricted to EBV-positive Hodgkin lymphoma.  Blood, 120(18):3750-3755, 2012.
  • Weir E, Ali Ansari-Lari M, Batista DA, Griffin CA, Fuller S, Smith BD and  Borowitz MJ.  Acute bilineal leukemia: a rare disease with poor outcome.  Leukemia, 21(11):2264-2270, 2007.
  • Weir E and Borowitz M. Acute leukemias of indeterminate lineage. In: Jaffe ES, Harris NL and Vardiman JW, editors. Diagnostic Hematopathology. Harcourt Health Sciences, New York, NY, In press, 2005.
  • Weir E, Cowan K, LeBeau P and Borowitz M.J.  A limited antibody panel can distinguish B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia from normal B precursors with four-color cytometry:  Implications for residual disease detection.  Leukemia 13(4):558-567, 1999.