Joined Oculus Pathology: 2018

Physician Consultant – COLA Anatomic Pathology & Cytopathology Survey/Laboratory Accreditation program.

Primary Service Location:

North Central Baptist Hospital

Medical Directorships:

  • Outpatient Anatomic Pathology Services, North Central Baptist Hospital, St. Luke’s Baptist Hospital, Mission Trail Baptist Hospital, Baptist Medical Center

Board Certifications:

  • Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, (2016)
  • Cytopathology, (2018)

Areas of Interest:

  • Breast Pathology
  • Gynecologic Cytopathology
  • Gynecologic Pathology
  • Cytopathology


  • Cytopathology: University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Gynecologic Pathology, Breast Pathology and Gynecologic Cytopathology, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.


  • Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

Medical School:

  • Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

Undergraduate Education:

  • Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas

Selected Publications:

  • McCarthy, W.A., Paquette, C., Colavita, M., Lawrence, W.D. Atypical placental site nodule arising in a post-Cesarean section scar: case report and review of the literature. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2019; 38 (1): 71-75.
  • McCarthy, W.A., Paquette, C., Gundogan, F., Lawrence, W.D. Comparison of p63 and p40 immunohistochemical stains to distinguish epithelioid trophoblastic tumor from other trophoblastic lesions. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2018; 37 (4): 401-404.
  • McCarthy, W.A., Makhijani, R., Miller, K., Rojas, K., Beffa, L., Mathews, C., Robison, K., Quddus, M.R. Gastric-type endometrial adenocarcinoma: report of two cases in patients from the United States. Int J Surg Pathol. 2018; 26 (4): 377-381.
  • McCarthy, W.A., Popek, E.J. Persistence of villous immaturity in term deliveries following intrauterine transfusions for parvovirus B19 infection and RhD-associated hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn. Ped Dev Pathol. 2017; 20 (6): 469-474.
  • McCarthy, W.A., Masand, R.P. Ovarian yolk sac tumor with high-grade serous carcinoma in a 62 year-old woman. Int J Surg Pathol. 2016; 24 (4): 360-365.
  • McCarthy, W.A., Cox, B.L., Laucirica, R., Moss, J.E. Fine needle aspiration diagnosis of a metastatic mixed germ cell tumor from a “burned out” testicular primary with florid Leydig cell hyperplasia. Ann Clin Cytol Pathol. 2015; 1(3): 1013.
  • McCarthy, W.A., Cox, B.L. Intraparotid schwannoma. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2014; 138 (7): 982-985.
  • Lyons, K.G., McCarthy, W.A. Early decomposition of Ashe juniper (Juniperus ashei) wood in open and shaded habitat. Rangeland Ecol Mgmt. 2010; 63: 359-365.